Early Bermuda Wills 1629-1835 (parts of)

Early Bermuda Wills 1629-1835; summarized and indexed, Author Hollis Hallett, C.F.E.

The  importance of wills as sources for genealogical research can never be over-estimated. When a man lists the members of his family on a given date, signs the document himself, and is witnessed as so doing by certain persons who then sign their names, the researcher immediately has positive confirmation that all those persons were alive on that given date.

The emphasis in this compilation is on the date of writing of each will (or other estate document), as indicative of persons who were alive at the date, thus establishing their certain "proof of existence". In the same way, the date of probate, or the administration or inventory of an estate, establishes the fact that a death has taken place at some time before that date; in some cases the probate record reports the death of a witness or executor as well.
The stress of this compilation is not on property, but on people. Although many Bermuda wills give descriptions and boundaries of land held, the interest of this work lies only in the fact that certain persons are named as being present occupants of certain lands, again establishing a "proof of existence". Property references are given only if they provide genealogical details.

Every attempt has been made to avoid the ambiguity or confusion which can result in abbreviated or summarized versions of documents.

All information presented in this compilation is factual; no attempt has been made to interpret any of the documents.
Every name in every estate document has been extracted and indexed in this compilation; the text includes all testators, family members, administrators, executors, witnesses, and in some cases estate appraisers.

Since most appraisals of estates were done by persons already active in the relevant estate documents, their names have not been included with a separate entry as appraisers. On the other hand, if the only reference (or  the earliest reference) to an individual is as an estate appraiser, that entry is included in this text.

Many wills have been found in two (or sometimes three) different books of wills. In these cases both references have been given; the value of this is evident when the researcher is able to compare possible slight variations in the interpretation of the scribe in each case. In addition, sometimes one version of a will is almost illegible, while another version is quite clear.

This compilation includes the complete contents of:
                                     Books of Wills, Volumes 1 to 15                          (1629-1835)
                                     Books of Administrations, Volumes 1 to 4           (1782-1835)
In addition, estate documents are included which have been found in:
                                     Composite Volumes of deeds, indentures, etc.      (1677-1781)
                                     Colonial Records, Volumes 1-9                             (1616-1692)

Researchers are encouraged to apply to the Bermuda Archives, Government Administration Building, 30 Parliament Street, Hamilton, HM 12, Bermuda, for photocopies of documents of interest to them, using the reference numbers as given in this index.


admin                        administration, administrator (s)
app                        appraiser, appraised by
att                        attorney
b                        born
Bda                        Bermuda
Bdos                        Barbados
bro                        brother
c                        circa
ch                        child, children, issue
d                        died, deceased
dau                        daughter
Dem                        Demerara
Dv                        Devonshire Parish
exec                        executor (s)
f                        father
g                        grand, great
Hm                        Hamilton Parish
int                        intestate
m                        married
mo                        mother
nph                        nephew
Pg                        Paget Parish
Pm                         Pembroke Parish
R.A.                        Royal Artillery
R.E.                         Royal Engineers
reg                        regiment
res                        resident, residing
R.G.B.            Royal Garrison Battalion
s                        son
Sg                        St. George’s Parish
sis                        sister
Sm                        Smith’s Parish
Sn                         Southampton Parish
sp                        spinster
StV                        St. Vincent
Sy                        Sandys Parish
w                        wife
wd                        widow
wit                        witness
Wk                        Warwick Parish
wr                        widower

REFERENCES  (as filed in Bermuda Archives)

Ad                        Administration Books
CR                        Colonial Records
CV                        Composite Volumes of deeds, indentures, grants, warrants
D                        Books of Deeds
PP                        Private papers accessions
RG                        Letters of Administration
W                        Books of Wills

APPOWEN, Joseph                        1689, March 13
            wit to will of Richard JENNINGS, Sm                                                                   WS,1:164
APPOWEN, Martha                        1773, Dec. 24
            wit to will of Benjamin BETHEL, Sy                                                                   W12a:203
APPOWEN, Nicholas                        1718, March c 4
            holds land for Edmund MALLORY, Hm (his will)                                            W6:31
APPOWEN, Richard                        1688, March 30            1688, April 27           
            planter, Dv, w Bridget
            ch: Richard, John, Lydia WISE, Mary BURCH, Ann
            g ch: Richard APPOWEN(of Richard), Mary APPOWEN, Lydia WISE, Ann BURCH
            exec: s Richard and John APPOWEN
            wit: Jonathon TURNER, John BURROWS, Charles WALKER                    W3,1:16
APPOWEN, Richard                        1705, March 4                        1707, July 24
            Dv, w Elizabeth, ch: John, Charles, Mary, Elizabeth, Martha
            exec: w Elizabeth, s John
            wit: William DAVIS, Joseph YOUNG, Thomas BOSTOCK, inventory       W4:7
APPOWEN, Richard                        1715, March 26
            wit to will of Phillip SIMMONS of Sm and Bdos                                             W6: 25
APPOWEN, Richard                        1715, Jan. 15
            wit to GILBERT will                                                                                             W5:163
APPOWEN, Richard                        1729, Sept. 11
            wit to will of Joseph PACKWOOD, Dv                                                         W7:29
APPOWEN, Richard                        1745, March 20            1746, Oct. 19
            Cordwainer, Bda, now in Antigua, ch: Charles, Richard (minors)
            exec: Benjamin RICHARDSON, nph Benjamin APPOWEN
            wit: Jane LEAYCRAFT, Richard TAYLOR, Robert BANNISTER                      W12a:8
APPOWEN, Richard                                                            1747, Feb. 26
            Mariner, Dv, d                                    inventory                                                          W8:77
APPOWEN, Richard                        1787, Sept. 27                        1789, June 2
            carpenter, Dv, w Deborah
            ch: Benjamin RICHARDSON, nph Benjamin APPOWEN                       
            exec: Nathaniel and John TYNES
            wit: Isaac SKINNER, William and Nathaniel TYNES                                W10:302/12a:45
APPOWEN, Richard                                                            1791, Feb. 23
            Dv, d, inventory of his estate                                                                                 W9:465
APPOWEN, Sarah                                                            1739, Sept. 12
            d, dau of Thomas BOSTOCK, ch: Bostock APPOWEN                               W12a:117
APPOWEN, Thomas                        1698, March 15
            wit to will of James MALIGAN, Sm                                                                    W2,2:153
APPOWEN, Mrs.                        1821, March 14
            St. Kitts, recently sold land in Pm to Benjamin BASDEN, Pm                     W15:42
ARCHER, Edward                        1717, Feb. 1                        1718, June 3
            Pm, w Rhoda is dau of William SEYMOUR, bro John ARCHER of Rhode Is.,
Sis Mercy GIBBS, sis Hannah MANCHESTER of Rhode Is., s-in-law William PLACE, dau in law Bethia LEAYCRAFT (w of Jeremiah), cousin Edward DAVIS (abroad now)
exec: Thomas BURTON
wit: Edmund BROMWICH, John WARD, Charles GEORGE, Joseph STOWE
ARGENT, Elizabeth                        1733, June 18
            dau of Edward DUNSCOMB                                                                                   W6:343
ARGENT, George                        1657, May 4                        1657, July undated
            w Elizabeth, ch George, plus others not named
            exec: w Elizabeth, Thomas WOODS, Henry PASCOE
            wit: George LEWIS, Charles RICHIER, John LEMBERY
            inventory 1657, Oct. 20, incomplete                       

BULL, Fenwick                                                                        1779, Oct. 18
            Sg, d, int, admin of his estate to Henry TUCKER, inventory                                    W9:318.319
BULLARD, Solomon                        1690, Sept. 23
            Occupant of land in Pm (will of Perient TROTT)                                                W3,1:119
BULLARD, Sarah                        1759, Jan. 20
            In S. Carolina, dau of Benjamin TUCKER, Wk                                                W12b:291
BULLER, No name                        c. 1640
            now of Staffordshire, sis of John WELSH, Dv                                                W1:12
BULLOCK, John                                    1699, Feb. 19
            ref. in will of John GILBERT, Sm                                                                        W2,1:115
BULLOCK, Robert                        1690, Sept. 23
            merchant of London, friend of Perient TROTT (his will)                                    W3,1:122
BULLOCK, Stephen                        1690, May 31
            wit to will of Hugh PEASLEY, Hm                                                                        W3,1:100
BULLOCK, Stephen                                                            1695, March 19
            Mariner, d, admin of his estate to wd Mary                                                            W2,1:155
BULLOCK, William                        1637, Dec. 9
            wit to will of Hugh WENTWORTH, Wk                                                            CR2:62
BULLOCK, William                        1659, Oct. 19
            w Patience (will of Stephen PAYNTER)                                                            W1:69
BURCH, Ann                                    1687, March 30
            minor, g dau of Richard APPOWEN, Dv                                                            W3,1:16
BURCH, Ann                                    1777, Oct. 30
            G dau of William BURROWS, Sy                                                                        W12a:94/9:269
BURCH,  Bethia                                    1719, May 11
            sis of Cornelius HINSON, Pm                                                                        W6:16
BURCH, Catherine                        1762, Aug. 10
            wit to will of Mrs. Martha AUCHINLECK (wd, Sg)                                                W12a:20
BURCH, Catherine, jr.                        1765, May4
            wit to will of Samuel PAYNTER, Hm                                                            W10:187
BURCH, Catherine                        1765, Dec. 27
            wit to will of Richard MINORS, Sg                                                                        W10:283
BURCH, Catherine, jr.                        1767, April 3
            wit to will of John STEED, Hm                                                                        W11:222
BURCH, Content                        1822, Dec. 23
            dau of  Mary is w of Thomas Morgan JAMES, Pm (his will)                                    W15:55
BURCH. Content                        1826, June 5
            wit to will of Thomas JAMES, Pm                                                                        W15:161
BURCH, Copeland                        1781, April 5                        1789, Aug. 7
            father-in-law and exec. of will of William HEESOM, mariner, Dv                        W10:316
BURCH, Daniel                                    1777, Dec. 29                        1779, May 13
            mariner, Sy, w Elizabeth
            ch: John, Jeremiah, Thomas, William, George (d, dau Mary), Keturah, Elizabeth
            exec: w Elizabeth, sons as named
            wit: William TATEM, Thomas RIGHTON, Daniel TUCKER                                    W12a:146/9:461
BURCH, Daniel B.J.                        1822, Nov. 12
            wit to will of Thomas Tapping TUCKER, Sy                                                W15:210
BURCH, Daniel B.J.                        1831, Nov. 24
            wit to will of William YOUNG, Sy                                                                    W15:400

BURCHALL, Mary                        1761. Aug. 20
            wd, dau of Edward ROBERTS, Sg                                                            W12b:171
BURCHALL, Peter                        1784, July 3
            wit to will of Benjamin APPOWEN, Hm                                                            W10:271
BURCHALL, Peter                        1796, Sept. 1                        1800, Aug. 27
            exec. of will of Briggs SMITH, Hm                                                            Q12:32
BURCHALL, Peter                        1800, Nov. 26                        1801, June 17           
            exec. of will Robert HILL, Hm                                                                        W12:72
BURCHALL, Peter                        1800, Dec. 19                        1801, June 17
            exec. of will Sarah SMITH (Hm , wd of Briggs SMITH)                                    W12:74
BURCHALL, Peter                        1804, July 18                        1816, Nov. 17
            s-in-law  and exec. of will of Englesbe SEON, Hm, w Mary                        W14:172
BURCHALL, Peter                        1805, May 10                        1821, Oct. 22
            exec. of will of Daniel Woolrich OUTERBRIDGE, Hm                                    W15:15
BURCHALL, Peter                        1811, Oct. 3                        1811, Dec. 11
            exec. of will of Miss Ann MALLORY, Hm                                                            W13:299
BURCHALL, Peter                        1827, Sept. 7                        1834, Sept. 22
            Master shipwright, Hm, w Ruth, sis Martha OUTERBRIDGE (ch Stephen),
            late bro De Nice BURCHALL (daus Elizabeth, Sarah)
            bequests to: Thomas and Emily HILL (ch of Thomas and Mary),
            Daniel, Thomas, Cornelius, Englesbe, Edward Burrows, and Mary Outerbridge SEON
            (ch of late Thomas SEON), Robert HILL, Miss Lydia HILL, Ann HILL (wd of William),
            Peter BURCHALL and w Mary, Mary PEARMAN (w of James Love PEARMAN),
            Misses OUTERBRIDE: Elizabeth Burrows, Hannah, Sarah, Susanna, Frances,
            Nancy, Ruth Seon, Mary Burchall, Elizabeth OUTERBRIDGE (w of Stephen),
            Ann Trott DAVIS (w of John Mallory DAVIS), Margaret ZUILL (w of John ZUILL),
            Elizabeth COX (w of John COX, Sg), David FOGGO, Jane DAVIS (w of Thomas DAVIS)
            exec: w Ruth, John FRITH, Englesbe SEON, John William FOGGO
            wit: Samuel D. J. DOE, George WAINWRIGHT, Benjamin D. HARVEY            W15:371
BURCHALL. Robert                        1714, March 21
            wit to will of Isabelle PLACE (Sg, wd of John)                                                W5:156
BURCHALL, Robert                        1718, Nov. 17                        1718, Dec. 11
            exec. of will of Miriam BRIGGS, wd, Sg                                                            W6:4
BURCHALL, Robert                        1725, Nov. 25                        1727, July 20
            Sg, w Ruth, ch: John, James, and Judith HILTON
            g ch: James, Daniel, and Robert BURCHALL (ch of James)
            exec. w Ruth, s John, s James                       
            wit: Nathaniel ROBERTS, Charles HIGGS, John CHAPLIN                        W6:122
BURCHALL, Robert                        1775, March 28
            wit to will of Richard BUCKMASTER, Sy                                                            W10:206
BURCHALL, Robert                          1777, Jan. 3
            wit to will of Mary TUCKER (wd of John TUCKER, Sy)                                    W12:19
BURCHALL, Robert                        1777, July 30
            wit to will of Love CAREY, wd, Sy                                                          W9:295/12a:260
BURCHALL, Robert                        1777, Dec. 9
            wit to will of Nathaniel BOWSER, Sy                                                          W9:271/12a:104
BURCHALL, William                        1762, Sept. 16                        1770, Nov. 14
            joiner, Sg, w Elizabeth g s John FOX
            exec: Richard WRIGHT, Joseph BURCHALL
            wit: Jean RAWLINGS, Susanna SKINNER, John ROBERTS                        W12a:128
BURGESS, Aaron                                                            1706, Dec. 18
            d, wd Elizabeth is dau of Florentius and Ruth SEYMOUR (both d)            W3,2:164
BURGESS, Aaron                                                            1715, Nov. 28
            Planter, Sy, d, int, admin of his estate to wd Elizabeth, inventory                        W5:120

BURGESS, Ann                        1722, March 20
            dau of William OUTERBRIDGE, Hm                                                            W6:91
BURGESS, Anthony                        1690, Sept. 23
            wit of will to Perient TROTT, Hm                                                                        W3,1:126
BURGESS, Anthony                                                            1692, Jan. 27
            Hm, d, inventory                                                                                    W2,2:31
BURGESS, Benjamin                                                            1780, Nov. 9
            Mariner, Hm, d, int, admin of his estate to John BURGESS                        W9:416
BURGESS, Daniel                        1688, Aug. 20
            wit to will of Edward EVANS, Sy                                                                        W3,1:207
BURGESS, Daniel                         1695, Mar. 24
            wit to will of John TANKARD                                                                        W3,2:6
BURGESS, Daniel                        1712, Dec. 15
            wit to will Mary KEELE, Sy                                                                        W5:234
BURGESS, Daniel                        1725, Nov. 17                        1726, Sept.22
            Sy, ch: Mary BASSETT, Elizabeth WELLS (w of Jeremiah)
            g daus: Elizabeth and Mary BURGESS
            exec: Jeremiah WELLS, Mary BASSETT
            wit: Samuel NEWBOLD, Edward EVANS, William TUCKER, jr                        W7:91
BURGESS, Daniel                                                            1726, Oct. 18
            Sy, d, wd Elizabeth is guardian of ch Elizabeth and Mary                                    W6:118
BURGESS, Daniel                                                            1761, July 8
            Sy, d, int, admin of his estate to Edward SEYMOUR, mariner, Sy                        W8:254
BURGESS, Daniel                                                            1772, July 10
            Sy, d, int, admin of his estate to Mary SEYMOUR                                    W9:25
BURGESS, Edward                        1796, Feb. 8                        1810, July 27
            mariner, Sy, w Mary
            exec: w Mary, John TUCKER
            wit: Marischal KEITH, John J. TUCKER                                                            W13:204
BURGESS, Edward                        1803, Aug. 29 (probate date)
            W Mary, nph and exec of undated will of Thomas YOUNG, Sy                        W12:164
BURGESS, Elizabeth, Mrs.            1705, July 3
            Cousin, and trustee of estate of Agnes RICHARDS, wd, Sn                        W4:15
BURGESS, George                                                            1797, May 31
            Dv, d, int, admin of his estate to Samuel WILLIAMS, Nathaniel TYNES            Ad3:88
BURGESS, Jeremiah                        1692, Oct. 7
            wit of will of Mary TROTT, wd, Hm                                                            W3,1:190
BURGESS, Jeremiah                        1695, date obscured
            wit to will of William NELMES                                                                        W2,1:215
BURGESS, Jeremiah                        1726, Jan. 29                        1727, Feb. 10
            Hm, bro John BURGESS (d, ch: Thomas, Jeremiah, Mary)
            sis Miss Mary BURGESS
sis Sarah STOVELL (wd, Pm, ch: Anthony JOHNSON, John JOHNSON, Mary JOHNSON, Sarah JOHNSON, Elizabeth STOVELL)
sis Miriam PENISTON (Sm, ch: Elizabeth, Richard, Samuel, John, Wm, Jeremiah, all with surname PENISTON)
cousins: Miss Martha and Samuel DUNSCOMB, Pm, (siblings), Ruth PITCHER, Sg
exec: counsin Jeremiah BURGESS, William STONE, Thomas BOSTOCK
wit: Thomas BOSTOCK, Nathaniel DUNSCOMB, Perient TROTT                        W6:141
BURGESS, Jeremiah                        1737, Nov.3                        1739, Nov. 13
            Hm, cordwainer, w Catherine (pregnant), s John
            exec: w Catherine, s John
wit: Thomas MUSSON, Peter NICE, Luke BOWSER, Charles Walker PENISTON                                                                                                                                                   W12a:75           

BURGESS, John                                                                        1691, March 31
            d, Hm, inventory                                                                                               W2,2:29
BURGESS, John                                                                        1726, Jan. 29
            d, bro of Jeremiah of Hm, ch: Jeremiah, Mary, Thomas                                                W6:141
BURGESS, John                        1759, Aug. 13
            wit to will of Thomas COX, Dv                                                                                 W12a:229
BURGESS, John                        1761, Feb. 19
            wit to will of Edward BURROWS, Sy                                                                     W12a:166
BURGESS, John,                        1774, May 12
            wit to will of John TYNES, Sm                                                                                 W12b:303
BURGESS, Mary                        1706, Sept. 16
            lives in house in Sm owned by Richard PENISTON                                             W3,2:157
BURGESS, Rachel                        1774, Sept. 25
            dau of Thomas RIGHTON, Sy                                                                                 W12b:178
BURGESS, Roger                        1740, May 10
            wit to will of John RIGHTON, Sy                                                                                 W12b:163
BURGESS, Thomas                        1657, June 8
            App of inventory of estate of Hannah STONE                                                            W1:59
BURGESS, Thomas                        1664, Jan. 12                        1665, Aug. 1
            Hm, w Frances
            ch: Anthony, John, Jeremiah, Martha, Mary, Miriam, Sarah, Elizabeth DUNSCOMB
            exec: w Frances, dau Martha, overseer John MORRIS
            wit: John MORRIS, Anthony JENOUR
            codicil 1665, July 15                        inventory, 1666, April 13                                              W1:95,98
BURGESS, Thomas                        1716, Oct. 2                        1717, June 24
            “son”, and overseer of will of Rowland GREATBATCH                                                W5:229
BURGESS, Thomas                        1732, June 23                        1732, Nov. 10
            mariner, Dv, w Miriam
            ch: Grace, Miriam
            bro-in-law Benjamin WRIGHT, late uncle Jeremiah BURGESS
            exec: illegible, page torn
            wit: Wm SANDIFORD, Thos GREATBATCH, John MALLORY, Thos BOSTOCK            W6:305
BURGESS, Thomas                        1752, Nov. 29
            d, w Miriam, dau Grace now w of Robert HILL (his will)                                             W12a:495
BURGESS, Thomas                                                               1788, Feb. 16
            d, dau Miriam is wd of Elisha HILL                                                                      W11:93
BURGESS, Will                        1821, March 14
            negro servant of Benjamin BASDEN, Pm                                                            W15:42
BURGESS, William                        1834, March 8                        1834, April 19
            exec of will of Rev. George GALLOWAY of Christ Church, Wk                                  W15:358
BURKE, Michael Rowland            1829, July13                        1833, Jan. 26
            St. Kitts, w Arabella Louisa Moreton is dau of Admiral Sir William Charles FAHIE
            exec of English part of estate of FAHIE                                                                     W15:305
BURLACE, John                        1827, March 1                        1827, March 17
            foreman of shipwrights, H.M. Naval Yard, now a patient in Naval Hospital
            sis Mrs. Mary BOYLE, sis Mrs. Susanna PEARCE
            exec: Felix KING, Thomas GILBERT
            wit: Asael WELLS, James HALL                                                                               W15:171
BURR, Hannah                        1734, May 12
            wd, aunt of Thomas and Mary GILBERT, lives on their land in Sm                     W12a:428
BURR, Jonathon                        1665, Aug. 12                        1665, March 8
            Dv, w Elizabeth is dau of John STOWE, dau Elizabeth (minor)
            exec: w Elizabeth, f-in-law John STOWE
            wit: Samuel STIRRUP, Richard MORRIS                                                            W1:102

BURROWS, Alice                        1762, Aug. 10
            niece of Mrs. Martha AUCHINLECK, wd, Sg                                                         W12a:20
BURROWS, Ann                        1684, Aug. 18
            aged c 22, “dau-in-law” of Thos HARFORD, deposition re will of Henry CRAFTS            W1:307
BURROWS, Ann                        1748, Nov. 23
            wit to will of William ALBOUY, Sy                                                                        W12a:9
BURROWS, Ann                        1806, April 24
            wit to will of Jeremiah Burrows DICKINSON, Sn                                                           W13:206
BURROWS, Ann                        1828, Feb. 8                        1833, July 10
            Sn, bro James BURROWS
            niece Elizabeth Burrows BELL (ch: James Burrows BELL, Elizabeth Hinson BELL)
            exec: bro James BURROWS, John Irving BELL, St. James Burrows BELL
            wit: John NASH, John H. L. KING, Sarah KING                                                          W15:332
BURROWS, Benjamin                        1735, Dec. 2
            wit to will of Sarah WOOD (wd, Tucker’s Town)                                                         W12b:328
BURROWS, Benjamin                        1737, Aug. 22
            wit to will of Martha HARFORD, wd                                                                        W7:81
BURROWS, Benjamin                        1738, Sept. 8
            wit to will of Miriam HINSON, wd, Hm                                                                    W12a:501
BURROWS, Benjamin                        1747, Aug. 19
            wit to will of Elizabeth SANDERS                                                                   W12b:204
BURROWS, Christopher            1660, April 24
            wit to will of John SEYMOUR, Sy                                                                   W12b:237
BURROWS, Christopher            1663, July 20
            wit to will of Josias FORSTER, Sy                                                                   W1:107
BURROWS, Christopher            1668, May 21
            wit to will of John BURCH, Sy                                                                                W1:124
BURROWS, Christopher            1676, June 29
            wit to will of Hugh WHITLOCK, Sy                                                                   W1:229
BURROWS, Christopher            1679, Sept. 3
            overseer of will of William WAYLETT                                                                   W1:267
BURROWS, Christopher            1690, Sept. 23
            ref. in will of Perient TROTT, Hm                                                                   W3,1:119
BURROWS, Christopher            1711, May 8
            Pg, half-bro of Elizabeth MALLORY (d), who is sis of Mary RICHARDSON,
            (wd of John RICHARDSON. Sy), joint admin of estate of John RICHARDSON
            to Christopher BURROWS and Mary RICHARDSON                                            W4:108
BURROWS, Christopher            1714, Dec. 9
            wit to informal will of John LEA, Pg                                                                     W5:115
BURROWS, Christopher            1724, May 22                        1724, Nov. 19
            mariner, Pg, w Lois, s-in-law Hugh WENTWORTH
            dau-in-law Lois BROWN (w of Bristow BROWN)
            “g ch-in-law”: Hugh, Samuel, Henry, and Anna WENTWORTH
            exec: w Lois, Richard HUNT
            wit: John HARVEY, Nathaniel BASCOME                                                         W6:98
BURROWS, Edward                        1713, April 15
            wit to will of Thomas DURHAM, Sy                                                                        W5:25
BURROWS, Edward                            1719, Aug. 14
            wit to will of Samuel NEWTON, Sm                                                                    W6:43
BURROWS, Edward                        1724, June 7
            wit to will of Richard STONE, Hm, d by date of probate, 1731, Feb. 23                  W6:281
BURROWS, Edward                                                            1732, July 17
            d, Hm, w Elizabeth also d, guardians of ch Jane, Elizabeth, and Michael BURROWS
            are Benjamin and Elizabeth APPOWEN, Hm                                                      W6:292

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